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National Prayer Breakfast

Live streamed from Parliament House Canberra ACT 

When: Monday 8 November 2021 - 7:30 AM-11:30 AM 

Register here 

Australians gather on Monday 8th November to pray for our leaders and for the wellbeing of all people throughout this great land.

The National Prayer Breakfast is coming at a critical moment for our nation. With many Australians isolated through protracted lockdowns and fearful of the future, it is an opportunity to unite in prayer for one another. We will come before our Heavenly Father, acknowledging that we need forgiveness and can rely on him in all things. We will pray that God's light may shine through his people for the good of all in Australia. 

You are invited to host a breakfast at which your friends, members of your church, school or community group may gather (ensuring you comply with local COVID19 restrictions) to watch the live stream. You could even consider inviting your local Member, Senator or civic leaders.

You can register for Individual guest tickets or as a Group Host. To receive a special host pack of advertising material, please register as a Group Host. 

Why not let your friends and colleagues know about this?: National Prayer Breakfast 2021 

You can also share the link in an email or on your website: https://citybibleforum.org/civicrm/event/info?id=2562&reset=1 


More information: Please contact Leon Hribar for further information

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