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As COP 26 approaches

Faith leaders plea for the future of our planet 

Interfaith Joint Statement 

40 religious leaders, from the world's major faiths me twith Pope Francis at the Vatican with an urgent climate appeal made on 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  

Together they call for an immediate end "of threats to our common home".  Among the Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and other faith leaders received by the Pope were, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Justin Welby; The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al Tayeb; the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew; Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church, Martin Junge, general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation; and Rabbi Noam Marans of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations.

Together, they signed a statement that recognised the fragility of our earth and calls not just for an end to the threats upon "our common home" but also an economic paradigm shift. Calling for an economy of care rather than one of exploitation and addressing our much loved 'throw away' culture. 

"Faith and science are essential pillars of human civilization," the faith leaders agreed.

Identifying the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow in just a few weeks, The Pope referred to it as "an urgent summons to provide effective responses to the unprecedented ecological crisis and the crisis of values that we are presently experiencing".  

Read more at:

La Croix International: Forty religious leaders join Pope Francis in a plea for the planet - by Loup Besmond de Senneville 

EarthBeat NCR: Pope Francis joins world faith leaders - by Brian Roewe

UNFCC: World Religious Leaders and Scientists Make pre-COP26 Appeal - includes an Executive Summary of the Joint Appeal

Union of Catholic Asian News:  Pope thanks world's teacher for their dedication    


Interfaith Prayers and Meditations for a beneficial COP26 


This Note encourages people of faith to offer their spiritual practice towards a beneficial UNCOP 26. Aware of this as divine providence, two of us have been brought together to bring this Note to you. After consultation, our recommendation is that people of faith join in three additional contributions through the days of COP26.



# 1.

Noon each day: Silent Prayer and Meditation, perhaps with symbolic actions of our

respective traditions- for example, ringing bells; lighting candles; standing silently

together wherever we are.

# 2.

7pm: Deep Meditation and Prayer, according to our spiritual practice. Below is a prayer

bidding from Lindsey Fielder Cook that can be used or for inspiration.

# 3.

5-7 November: A Pilgrimage Weekend of “Faiths for Climate Justice COP26”. This will

be ahead of the crucial final week of COP negotiations.


Download the prayers

by Bishop Philip Huggins and Ms Sarwat Tasneem  


... and the Pilgrims have arrived in The UK

The 5th Ecumenical Pilgrimage for Climate Justice from Poland to Glasgow crossed the English Channel from IJmuiden in the Netherlands to Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England on 11 October. They were given a warm welcome on site.

Read more: WCC article - On the way to COP26, climate pilgrims arrive in England after ferry crossing

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