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EAPPI recruitment

Our Works - EAPPIBecome an Ecumenical Accompanier (EA) 

There has never been a more important time to defend human rights. 

Want to do more to help?

Volunteer today to become an Ecumenical Accompanier (EA) in the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)

Every day, persecution and human rights abuses destroy people's lives and fuel conflict in the Holy Land. Did you know that your presence can help prevent these injustices?

Act for Peace is recruiting individuals to become part of an international peacekeeping mission. You'll need a big heart, a cool head and a keen desire to stand up against injustice!

If this sounds like you (or someone you know), check out the Act for Peace website for more information: 

What's involved? 

Travel to Israel and Palestine, spend three months being a protection presence for families living under occupation and raise money and awareness. 

Learn more here

Enquiries: please email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Application deadline: Sunday 13th November 2022.




The Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is a program coordinated by the World Council of Churches that brings international volunteers to the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Volunteers come for 3 month-placements as Ecumenical Accompaniers.

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