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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Refugee Welcome Zone Webinar

You are invited to attend the latest Refugee Alternatives webinar which will explore the role of Refugee Welcome Zones. 

Learn about the many ways in which local communities can come together to support, advocate and collaborate with local government to welcome and include refugees and people seeking asylum. 

When: Wednesday, 12 October 2022,

Time: 12:00-1:30 pm  AEDT.  

Register: reserve your free ticket here!  


  • Cr Lisa Lake, Mayor of Cumberland City Council, 
  • Cr Rhonda Garad, City of Greater Dandenong & Mayoral Taskforce Supporting People Seeking Asylum
  • Blaise Itabelo, Community Engagement, Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia.
  • Alison Pitt, Huon Valley Refugee Support Group.

And moderated by Adama Kamara, Deputy CEO, Refugee Council of Australia. 

Further information or enquiries: please contact Rebecca Langton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

* photo supplied by City of Port Adelaide Enfield


Supporting refugee students in our midst

The power to welcome

A student’s life can be amazing, and sometimes lonely and full of uncertainty – but there are extra, invisible challenges for students from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds. That might explain why only 5 per cent of refugees worldwide have meaningful access to higher education. With crises in Afghanistan, Myanmar and Ukraine, the number of students in our classrooms who are affected by displacement is growing. How can universities build a culture of welcome for displaced students?  

In this candid and interactive virtual forum, students who have experienced displacement will share their experience of university life and recommendations on how others can show support and solidarity.

When: Thursday 27 October 2022,

Time: 1:00-2:00 pm  AEDT.  

Register: online at Eventbrite

About the speakers

  • Dr Alfred Mupenzi is a lecturer and a Senior Project Support Officer for the Refugee, New and Emerging Communities program at Western Sydney University. He specialises in equity, diversity, migration  and social justice education. 

  • Kobra Sayyadi is a recent BA graduate from Macquarie University and a former student ambassador and ASRC CAPP program candidate. She is also a member of Saba Group, a youth-led community organisation advocating scholarship and education for the Hazara diaspora in Australia.

  • Shahida Haydari is a third year university student studying a bachelor of business and law. Shahida is a strong advocate for issues affecting refugees and mental health issues.

  • Chair: Jane McAdam AO, Scientia Professor of Law and Director of the Kaldor Centre. Professor McAdam is internationally renowned as a thought leader in the field of forced migration and refugee law, particularly for her work on climate change-related displacement. 





ACRTx350Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is an activity of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).  

We believe our faith calls us to welcome the stranger and care for the people who find themselves displaced, marginalised or homeless, and those in need of protection. We want to see a compassionate and generous response to welcoming refugees into Australia.

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