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Act for Peace


KENYA: Families in Garissa are losing their livestock and are at risk of losing their lives due to the prevailing drought.

Alexon Mwasi/FCA



SOMALIA: Makeshift house at Gaanugay IDP camp in Baidoa built by the displaced people who fled their villages due to a conflict and recurring drought.

Mohamed Abdihakim Ismail/FCA

Hunger Crisis Appeal

Millions of people on the brink of famine are facing unimaginable suffering. We must act now.

Climate change, conflicts and now the war in Ukraine have created a global food crisis. It’s forcing people from their homes, and leaving displaced and other vulnerable people facing life-threatening hunger.

In the Horn of Africa, an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding. One of the most severe droughts in recent history has left more than 15 million people facing acute food insecurity in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. 

And the fall of Afghanistan has left the population in a desperate situation, with news reports of some families forced to do the unthinkable, and sell a child to pay for food to keep their other children alive.

We can and must help.

Please give today to provide urgently needed food, water and medicine. 

$60 can help distribute dignity kits to women, girls and boys to help them manage their basic health and hygiene through the crisis.

$250 can help provide access to safe drinking water to the most affected communities so people have enough to drink and can keep their livestock alive.

$580 can provide lifesaving food through the provision of food vouchers, money transfers, and emergency food aid.

Local partners need our backing.

Act for Peace’s dedicated ACT Alliance partners are on the ground right now in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia doing an incredible job with limited resources.  And our local partner CWS-Asia, is working hard to provide urgent relief to Afghan people displaced within Afghanistan and into neighbouring Pakistan. 

AfPx150Please give today 

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