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President's reflection

Receptive Ecumenism—listening, learning, and loving in the Way of Christ is a process that has the potential to assist renewal and reform of the whole Church, both from within denominations as well as across the Church universal.   

The rich diversity of the Christian Church was powerfully on display at the WCC Assembly. We were all reminded, in many ways, that no one tradition holds the full revelation of God’s church.  

As I reflect on this diversity within the Body of Christ, and the call to each part to be connected – communicating – working – building itself up in love, I have found myself wondering how we can develop and increase our sensitivity to each other.

Sensitivity can enable us to appreciate when parts of the church are under pressure, criticism, persecution, or despair. We can celebrate with other parts in the joys that they experience, and the new discoveries being made. 

Over recent months I have had several ‘cross culture’ experiences of church life, both within my own tradition and in other Christian traditions. It leads me to ponder on the culture of which I am part and its contribution in determining how I go about expressing my Christian faith.

If it far too easy for any one of us to normalise our own cultural experience or tradition and assume others have much to learn from us! An appreciation of the diversity of the body is in part about church traditions and it is also about cultural settings that shape and inform the ways churches express their life.

The quotation at the head of this refection is a title of a book. It captures what may be possible as we commit to learn together. Ahead of us is a journey of ‘listening, learning and loving in the Way of Christ’. 

The movement of Receptive Ecumenism asks, ‘what can we learn from the other and how can we grow together?’. This process ‘has the potential to assist renewal and reform’ of the Body of Christ.


Rev John Gilmore

NCCA President


1 Receptive Ecumenism—listening, learning and loving in the Way of Christ, Authors and Editors Vicky Balabanski and Geraldine Hawkes, ATF Theology, Adelaide, 2018


Receptive Ecumenism Reflections - Webinar Recording, September 2022

Presented by Churches Together SA (CTSA) on 27 September 2022:

Rev’d Prof Vicky and Rev’d Peter Balabanski led reflection, and shared on their experience at the 5th International Receptive Ecumenism Conference held in Sigtuna, Sweden, 27-30 June 2022.

A recording of the Reflections event can be found on the CTSA YouTube Channel here: https://youtu.be/5XG6cMoYka0 

If you would like a copy of the PowerPoint slides, you can download them here: shorturl.at/psW27    

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