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Reflection from the President

Depart from evil, and do good; 

seek peace, and pursue it.   Psalm 34:14

Recently we stopped and prayed together for peace in Palestine and Israel. We were part of the World Council of Churches call to prayer. In our time together we heard a statement from an Israeli peace activist, Yonatan Silver, whose plea was summed up in these words ‘peace is an act of will’. 

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matt. 5:9).  More biblical references could be added. The John Lennon song asks of us to ‘give peace a chance’.

In a few days it will be one year since Hamas launched its attack on Israel and the current cycle of war and violence was unleashed. Now we have recent the news that the war is escalating and involving more nations. Our hearts are heavy for the vulnerability of people in the Middle East. We share sadness at the growing impact on social cohesion in Australia and experience anxiety for the future.

The impact of the current conflict on innocent people and faith communities cannot be forgotten. There are many links between these Middle East communities and people in Australia. For many this growing conflict is having a deeply personal impact.

There are steps we can take. We can respond to people pastorally and understand how they are feeling. Continuing in prayer for peace and seeking peace with justice for everyone is important. We can demonstrate our acceptance and welcome of the other and nurture our social cohesion in Australia.

The role of churches and faith communities in care, supporting social cohesion, respect and in seeking peace, cannot be underestimated. The NCCA is calling for an end to the conflict and is inviting continuing prayer for peace. 

Rev John Gilmore

NCCA President 


Read the NCCA Public Statement here 

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