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Our Works - Safe Church Program

Our Works - Safe Church Program
National Child Protection week for 2016 runs from the 4th – 10th September

National Child Protection Week 2016

This awareness week enables all of us to build on the national child protection framework “Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: Play Your Part” by focussing on the theme ‘Stronger Communities, Safer Children’. This theme emphasises the importance and value of connected communities in keeping children and young people safe and well. 

Child Safe Standards update

Victoria and Western Australia now have in place guiding standards for organisations for child Safety.

The Victorian Compulsory Child Safe Standards are to be implemented by churches by 1 January 2017. These standards are underpinned by the principles of promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and the safety of children with a disability. The NCCA – Safe Church Program has developed a suite of tools and resources for churches to assist in the meeting of these legislative requirements. These resources have been reviewed by the Victorian Commission for Children and Young People to ensure that they meet the requirements.

The Western Australian Child Safe Organisations Guidelines came into effect in May 2016 and released resources to assist government and non-government agencies and community organisations develop and implement strategies that increase the safety of children in their care.

The NCCA Safe Church Program has also developed a self-auditing tool for these guidelines.

If you would like either of these resources please email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Safe as Churches? 8 Conference

Registrations for our upcoming Safe as Churches conference will be opening soon.

The conference will be taking place in Melbourne on 16th – 17th May 2017

To stay up to date with all the conference news including the launch of Conference registrations please subscribe to our free SAC newsletter here.

Our Works - Safe Church Program

Safe Church Tip: Transparency

Transparency holds us to maintain clear, accurate and up-to-date information and guidance in resources, training and policies. This is holding true to SCTA National Standards, adhering to local and federal legislation and the missionary imperative of the Christian faith.

Transparency calls for integrity in service, both practically and pastorally. With a commitment to transparency it allows for a high quality in what we are able to provide as well as openness to respond to feedback, support and analysis.


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