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Our People – Jess Xavier, Act for Peace

Our People – Jess Xavier, Act for PeaceJess (left) with Holly (right) and team member

Jess comes to Act for Peace from a professional background in digital media and video production. In her role as Media and Communications Officer she helps to inspire and engage Act for Peace supporters by creating content for their social media channels, website and print publications, as well as organise story gathering trips for their overseas programs, and implementation of Act for Peace’s media strategy. 

Jess sees her role with Act for Peace as being able to bring the work of the organisation to life through stories and other pieces of engaging content. Her aim is to bring supporters right to the frontline of the programs that they help to make possible, and introduce them to the courageous men and women that have survived conflict and disaster in the hope that they are then inspired and encouraged to continue to support Act for Peace.

Since her high school days, Jess has wanted to work in the not for profit sector and considers that she has been extremely lucky to find Act for Peace through an internship position that was advertised for the Christmas Bowl. Jess says she “values the approach Act for Peace takes to development, trying to empower local communities and implement sustainable change”.

Throughout University Jess worked as a freelance web designer and says of that job, “…being able to work from home in your pyjamas was definitely a highlight!” Along with her joyous enthusiasm and passion for her work she also brings to Act for Peace a wonderful perspective on Interfaith with her Father’s side of the family being Catholic and her Mother’s Jewish. As she says “I believe true faith comes from tolerance, understanding and empathy.”

Jess says her inspiration comes from her best friend who has endured many hardships but retains a positive outlook on life and is the kindest, most thoughtful person she knows.

Outside of work Jess loves to hike and recently completed the Oxfam Trailwalker with her housemate and colleague Holly Jarvis (see August newsletter for Holly’s story). Together they walked 100kms in 34.5 hours and raised over $6000. Jess claims “It was hard but I only cried once!”

NCCA congratulates both Jess and Holly for completing the walk and raising funds to support Oxfam’s work against poverty. It is inspiring to realise that these two young ladies express their passion for justice and equity beyond their working environment.

If anyone would like to donate to their team, they can still do so here: http://oxf.tw/23799

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