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Our Churches



Following the NCCA Forum’s approval of the adoption of a new Constitution for NCCA, NCCA has a slightly changed structure. In the past two representatives of each church met three times a year. This group, the Executive addressed matters of concern, received reports from the various NCCA commissions and networks and made decisions that enabled the work of ecumenism to progress.

An Assembly will now take the place of the Executive. Importantly, the Assembly no longer carries responsibility for making decisions. Consequently, there will be no receiving of reports.

The Assembly, consisting of two people from each of our member churches, will come together in a spirit of receptive ecumenism. Each person listening and learning from others, welcoming and receiving the gifts that each of our traditions offers. The three elements of ecumenical activity: praying with and for each other, growing in understanding of each of our churches and cooperating in mission will be present each time we gather as the Assembly of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

Please support us in prayer as we come together in this new way for the first time on 27 October.

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