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Ecumenical News - Pope Francis to return to Assisi on 20 September 2016

Pope Francis

Pope Francis will retun to Assisi to celebrate “the spirit of Assisi”, on the thirtieth anniversary of the “interreligious assembly for peace among the peoples.”

More than 400 religious and political leaders and cultural figures will be present; amongst them will be Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic.

The Pontiff, together with numerous religious leaders from around the world, will celebrate 30 years of what is known as the “Spirit of Assisi.”

While in Assisi, Pope Bergoglio will attend the international meeting between religions for peace. This years’ theme is “Thirst for Peace.-Religions and Cultures in Dialogue.” The event is promoted by the Community of Sant’Egidio, by the Franciscan families, by the Umbrian Episcopal Conference and the Diocese of Assisi.

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