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Invitation to Prayer

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Mexico; The Caribbean; Cuba and Florida, USA

Let us pray for the people in these places, after earthquake and hurricanes bring devastation and loss.

On Thursday 7 September, Mexico was hit by an earthquake described as the strongest in more than 80 years. Then, two days later, as the cleanup began, Hurricane Katia reaches landfall, the resulting rainfall creating a mudslide causing further chaos and death.

Hurricane Irma, graded as a 'Category five storm' then followed suite, leaving a path of destruction in the warm, sunny holiday destinations of The Caribbean Islands. Irma then unleashed her devastation on Cuba before moving to the US state of Florida on Sunday 10 September. Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful recorded in the Atlantic, was then downgraded to a 'Category one'.

Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine, Myanmar

Let us pray for this these people in fear of their lives in the face of ongoing violence.

Humanitarian atrocities continue in Myanmar as the Burmese government comes under worldwide criticism for its inaction. In the Rakhine region of Myanmar, the Burmese military continue to terrorise the Muslim minority. The atrocities are being described as 'Ethnic cleansing'.

The Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, supported by 131 Australian Muslim organisations has called on the Australian government to show leadership in putting a stop to the treatment of Rohingya minority in Burma.

Read The Australian Muslim Times article Rohingyas: Ethnic cleansing between all the talk.

Take action this Sunday, 17 September:

  • Protest Rally “Stop Genocide in Myanmar, The World’s Most Silent Genocide”  3:00pm, Martin Place, Elizabeth Street, Sydney (in front of Chanel 7) organised by Sydney Press and Media Council
  • Community Stand, "Massacre in Myanmar" 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Lakemba Memorial Park, The Boulevard (outside Lakemba station)

This is what is happening in Sydney. Check your local community guides for what is happening in your area.


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