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Act for Peace

Act for Peace logo2016

Give the children of Gaza back their future

For the last ten years, the people of Gaza have been living under a cruel blockade. Devastated by war, and cut off from basic food and medicine supplies, the people of Gaza desperately need our help.

With the support of people like you, we are already providing vulnerable children the healthcare and psychological care they need to survive and reach their potential.But the clinics are at capacity, and there are just not enough resources to help meet the need.


Seeham, a midwife in Gaza, measures Hana’s height during a home visit. Stunted growth is one effect of childhood anaemia and malnutrition. 

Credit: Ben Littlejohn/Act for Peace

Will you give a gift today to help the children of Gaza get the vital medicine, food and counselling they need to survive?

Together, we can help the children and families of Gaza build a healthier, happier future. Donate online




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