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Multicultural Grants 2019


Celebrating Diversity

Multicultural Australia is a Multi-faith Australia.

Is your Church, congregation or organisation planning a multifaith event and in need of funding? Don't overlook the various State Government bodies that offer funding grants for multicultural activities. 

Festivals and events bring communities together, promoting community harmony. Community harmony happens when communities from diverse cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds work together on projects that make a difference, showcasing the benefits of cultural and faith diversity and promoting social cohesion. 


Multicultural NSW offers two categories of grants under the Celebrating Diversity Grants Program:

  1. Celebrating Diversity: Events - Grants of up to $10,000 are available for Celebrating Diversity. The total pool amount available in the Multicultural NSW Celebrating Diversity: Events Grants Program is $800,000, awarded over two funding rounds per financial year.Open for Applications from 12 August - 20 September 2019
  2. Celebrating Diversity: Projects - Grants of up to $40,000 are available for 12-month projects than can make a lasting positive impact on social cohesion at the grassroots level.

Open for Applications: from 28 October - 6 December 2019

For more information go to Multicultural NSW website - https://multicultural.nsw.gov.au/grants/    


The Government of South Australia is committed to ensuring their diverse multicultural communities are well supported through quality services and programs, along with being encouraged to organise and host activities and events that showcase their rich diverse cultures and customs with the wider South Australian community.

The department’s Multicultural Grants Program 2019-20 is now open with four streams of funding to support multicultural communities

For information on the types of Grants available and application dates visit the website - https://dpc.sa.gov.au/news/multicultural-grants-program-2019-20-open-for-applications

To find out more about the Multicultural Grants Program 2019-20, contact the grants team on 1300 239 468 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet offers a variety of Grants to support multicultural and multifaith communities. The department recognises that Victoria's diversity is one of the state's greatest strengths.

For information on the types of Grants available and application dates visit the website - https://www.vic.gov.au/grants-support-multicultural-communities 

Or contact Community Grants, Department of Premier and Cabinet 1300 366 356 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Celebrating Multicultural Queensland Program

The Celebrating Multicultural Queensland (CMQ) program is an annual program that provides funding towards multicultural events and projects that engage people from culturally diverse backgrounds, including people who arrived in Australia as migrants or refugees, people seeking asylum, members of diverse cultural groups and the wider community, to contribute to building a inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland.

In 2019–20, the CMQ program will deliver two funding rounds:

  • Multicultural Events— This funding round closed 29 July 2019 .
  • Multicultural Projects— The multicultural projects funding round will open later in the year.

For information on the types of Grants available and application dates visit the website -  https://www.dlgrma.qld.gov.au/multicultural-affairs/programs-and-initiatives/celebrating-multicultural-qld-program.html

If you have any questions please email Multicultural Affairs Queensland on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Community Grants Program

The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) offers grant funding through its Community Grants Program (CGP).

The program provides funding to empower culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in Western Australia to design, deliver and partner on projects that address their needs. The CGP supports CaLD community-led activities that:

  • celebrate and promote Western Australia's cultural diversity
  • build the capacity of individuals, families and communities to contribute to the civic and economic life of the State
  • improve the accessibility and effectiveness of services.

Timeframes for the application and approval process need to be considered by the organisation when planning the project. The process takes approximately four months from submission to approval but may take longer if the application requires further development.

Applicants should seek advice from an OMI Engagement Officer on timeframes for application submission based on the stage of development of the project. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (08) 6552 1607.

For information on the types of Grants available and application dates visit the website - https://www.omi.wa.gov.au/Funding/Pages/CommunityGrantsProgram.aspx


The Multicultural Grants Program was created as part of Tasmania’s Population Growth Strategy and is aimed at assisting migrants to settle and feel welcome in Tasmania.

The Tasmanian Government has allocated $100,000 for the 2019 Multicultural Grants Program.

Grants of up to $20,000 are available to support:

activities that increase capacity within ethnic communities and multicultural networks to
self-manage and engage in community life;
projects that facilitate access and use of community facilities and increase participation of new migrants in sport, recreation and social clubs within the community;
projects that build cross-cultural awareness in the community and business sector;
projects that promote integration of new migrants into communities and build ongoing inter-cultural and inter-faith relations and supports; and
projects that support the establishment or growth of migrants focused social enterprises, or assist migrants to start or grow their own small businesses, access employment or improve employability skills.
Grants of up to $10,000 are available for:

projects that showcase the vibrancy of multiculturalism through festivals and/or events that encourage the participation of the whole community.
Grants of up to $5,000 are available for:

community language schools run by not-for profit organisations. A community language is defined as one used on a day to day basis by members of cultural-linguistic groups resident in Tasmania to communicate with family members and within their own community. Classes should be open to all students, irrespective of their linguistic and cultural backgrounds

For information on the types of Grants available and application dates visit the Department of Premier and Cabinet website - http://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/csr/grants_and_community_engagement/multicultural_grants_program_2016

For further information, please contact Communities, Sport and Recreation by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone on 1800 204 224


For information on the types of Grants available and application dates visit the website - https://nt.gov.au/community/multicultural-communities/multicultural-grants

or contact Community Grants, Department of Premier and Cabinet 

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