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National Prayer Breakfast


Monday 12 October 2020

Live streamed from Parliament House, Canberra from 7.30 am to 8.30 am 


Read the invitation below:

On behalf of the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship, Senator Amanda Stoker and Mr Luke Gosling OAM, MP invite you to join the 31st Australian National Prayer Breakfast!

In the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, we will gather with one spirit in Christ's name wherever you are all across our nation through a single online event. 

The Prime Minister, Members of the House of Representatives, Senators, and our guest speaker, will be sharing with us their faith journey in their demanding service to our nation. During this difficult time, we wish to pray for all our leaders and for the Father's blessing in every aspect of Australian life.

Unlike other years, there will be no charge (thanks to our sponsor soon to be announced). Also, we invite you to host a breakfast at which your friends, members of your church or community group may gather (ensuring you obey local COVID19 restrictions) to watch the live stream. You could even consider inviting your local Member, Senator or civic leaders!

Please save the date in your diary: Monday 12th October. We will provide further details and a registration link in the coming weeks.

When we pray to our God and Father, we are reminded of our own frailties, our need for forgiveness and of the solemn responsibility of using power for the benefit of others. We pray that men and women in national leadership will discover a new strength through the fellowship of the followers of Jesus Christ, and that they will know God's wisdom and strength in all their service. 

Enjoy listening now to the keynote address by our Governor General in 2019!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in organising a local streaming centre. With many cost and physical barriers removed through having the event online, we are really looking forward to praying with hopefully many more people around Australia!

Yours in Christ,

Leon Hribar


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