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World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel 2020

13-21 September 2020

Theme for 2020: Creative Solidarity in Common Fragility 

During this week which includes the International Day of Prayer for Peace on 21 September, people of faith are encouraged to bear a common witness by participating in worship services, educational events, and acts of support in favour of peace and justice for Israelis and Palestinians.


World Council of Churches 

"Let us pray for grace to resist that negative spirit so that, with hearts open to the grace of God and the needs of all our neighbours, we may become instruments of God’s reconciling work for justice and peace for all. Then we too, like the friends of the paralyzed man, can become agents of “Creative Solidarity” in the midst of “Common Fragility”.

That is our hearts’ desire as we continue to pray for peace in Israel and Palestine. " 

Resources and information

Information: Find out more 

Theme:  Creative Solidarity in Common Fragility 

Prayers and Bible Reflection (Mark 2: 1 – 12) 

Invitation from Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, Interim General Secretary, World Council of Churches


Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN)

PIEN's resources for creative solidarity

As a follow up to the launch of a Cry for Hope by Kairos Palestine, PIEN have developed some resources for churches to use during the WCC’s World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel, in September.

Download the PIEN document which has links to images (like the one below) that you can use for a week of action.

More material is available on the PIEN website and also on the PIEN Facebook event page  

Please feel free to circulate this week of action through your websites, newsletters and on social media. This is a simple solidarity action that only requires people share some images designed by PIEN.

Churches with prominent billboards are encouraged to display a message of solidarity. There are suggestions in the document.

Find our more about PIEN 


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