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Climate and Environmental Justice Dialogue

Join us for the next NCCA Climate & Environmental Justice dialogue! 


Image: Unsplash, Bondi Beach by Anton Gorlin @antongorlin

National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) in partnership with Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland (ASQ) invite you to join an online dialogue for Christians, churches and mission agencies to network, exchange ideas, and create opportunities for collaboration.

When: Wednesday 16 September 10:00 am – 12:30 pm 

Registration: online at EVENTBRITE - Climate and Environmental Justice Dialogue

Cost: free, please register online. 

Who should participate: Anyone with a passion for these issues within the Christian churches 

Format: Online via QiQo Chat (a zoom platform) This time, there will be a short introduction, rather than a plenary. The remaining time will be used for further breakout conversations and action planning.

You are welcome to share this across your networks - Register at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ncca-climate-environmental-justice-dialogue-tickets-118581338977  

Our first Climate and Environmental Justice gathering was held on Wednesday the 29th July. The conversations were energising and many connections were made. 

Here is what some participants have said:  

  • “I am encouraged by the commitment of many across Australia seeking to developing resources to engage and empower the people across our churches for action, wider engagement within Australia and with our Pacific neighbours. I have learned a lot, thank you all.”
  • “Thanks to the organisers for a process that generated a lot of energy and connection. I've learnt of resources and events I hadn't known of, made connections with a few people, and looking forward to following up on these. God bless us in our care and relationship with this wonderful planet on which we live.  Peace and Good!” 
  • “It was wonderful to hear what is happening across the nation and across the seas. Thank you for the opportunity to reflect on the key issues, the opportunities for change, and how best to influence decision makers.” 


*St John’s Cathedral and the "Doing Justice" team at the Anglican Church of Southern Queensland, are assisting the NCCA to host these events. They received a small grant from the Glenburnie Program fund ( https://www.ncca.org.au/about/ecumenical/item/178-glenburnie-programme ) for work on these matters.

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