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International Day of Peace 2020

2020 Theme: Shaping Peace Together

International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. A day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

Join an event below:

Maintaining Peace Building in a Turbulent World

You are invited to join the LIVE Webinar- The Voice of Impartiality: Maintaining Peace Building in a Turbulent World

When: Monday 21 September

Time: 7-8 pm  

Register: On Eventbrite

Watch Here: https://youtu.be/pYy8AeczNs4   

Presented by: Affinity, UNAA NSW, UNHCR & Sydney Peace Foundation 

About the Webinar: 

In today’s turbulent world, peace operations and peace building provide hope to areas emerging from conflict. One of the principles of UN peace operations is impartiality – a difficult concept to maintain in the volatile and uncertain environment of such situations. Australia has a proud record of involvement in over 60 peace operations since the UN was formed some 75 years ago. On the international day of peace, we consider how can Australia best contribute impartially to peace building operations regionally and globally.

UNHCR Multi-Country Representation Ms Louise Aubin and Council Member of SPF & USYD Senior Lecturer Dr Susan Banki will share their insights with National Affairs Editor Network TEN Hugh Riminton to discuss 'The Voice of Impartiality: Maintaining Peace in a Turbulent World'.


Virtual UN Peace Day Event: Shaping Peace Together - your peace, our peace, world peace

You are invited to join a peace-filled event so relevant to these times, celebrating and reinforcing compassion, courage and hope within the community.

Leaders from faith and non-faith backgrounds will come together, in unity, to each light a candle for peace and hold a meditative space to gentle guided commentary and music.

Opening and Closing Reflections to the event will be given by The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, the Governor of Victoria, and Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp.

When: Monday 21 September 2020

Time: 5.15-6.00 pm (AEST)

Where: FREE online webinar.

Bookings: are required BOOK HERE

Presented by Calm in the City and sponsored by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and the Victorian Government.     


Please see the September #1 issue of the NCCA Newsletter for previously promoted events below   


Interfaith Prayer Service via Zoom 

When: Monday 21 September 2020 Time: 2.00 pm (AEST)



Between War and Peace: Australia’s Past and Future.

When: Monday 21 September 2020 Time: 7.30 pm (AEST)

Professor Joseph Camilleri invites you to join this World Peace Day event. 

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