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Safe Church Program

Keeping Churches and Faith Communities safe

The NCCA Safe Church Program would like to share the following information and resources:   

NCCA Child Safety Framework Launch

The NCCA Safe Church Program will launch their new Child Safety Framework, standards and resources at the end of September 2020. The new website build is in the final stages, which includes updates on the Safe Church Program page and a new resource hub to complement the framework.

The NCCA engaged the services of Child Wise, an organisation which has pioneered the use of child safety standards in Australia, to consult with NCCA Safe Church Program members to develop the best Child Safety Framework possible. Both the NCCA Secretariat and Safe Church Program have worked alongside our churches and faith communities to consult on what they require from the NCCA to provide the best support and resourcing that reflect the Royal Commission recommendations and the National Principles for Child Safety.

Thank you to all the church and faith communities and other entities that willing offered their resources to share in the resource hub. It has truly been a collaboration from across all sectors working to ensure our organisations are the safe places for children.

Support for people with disability, families and carers

Free, independent and confidential support for people with disability, families and carers

Counselling and advocacy support is available for people with disability who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

This support can also help people, including families and carers, engage with the Disability Royal Commission. If you would like support or to find out more, call 1800 421 468 or visit www.dss.gov.au/disability-royal-commission-support  Support is here for you. #DisabilityRCsupport 

Around 4.4 million Australians have disability, and research shows that people with disability are more likely to experience violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation than people without disability. 

As the Disability Royal Commission continues its public hearings, people with disability and their supporters may be thinking about sharing their experience.  

National Child Protection Week

Our churches - links to their media and reflections.

Uniting Church in Australia 

The Uniting Church’s National Safe Church Unit has released a new poster to coincide with National Child Protection Week 2020.

Reflection on National Child Protection Week

Catholic Church in Australia

Fun for kids as part of National Child Protection Week

The Archdiocese of Sydney celebrates National Child Protection Week by introducing new resources for children and young people

Edmund Rice Education Australia - message

Baptist Church 

"A walk in my shoes"

CPSL - Leadership sessions

Safeguarding Leadership Introductory Session for National Church Leaders

*Registrations close 25 September

On 30 September - October 1, CPSL will  be facilitating a safeguarding leadership session for leaders of ecumenical faith communities across Australia. These sessions were piloted in partnership with NCCA earlier this year.

The NCCA invite leaders from National Church communities to join this CPSL training which is designed to help senior clergy and staff to develop a clear understanding of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, including the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, and how these are applied in a faith-based setting.

Registration: Eventbrite  

It will be delivered across three modules as follows:

Module One

Introduction, Context & Culture -Wed 30 Sept 9.30am-11.30am

Module Two

Leadership Responsibilities in Safeguarding -Wed 30 Sept 1.00pm-2.30pm

Module Three

Resources, Support and Audit Thu 1 Oct 9.30am-11.30am

Download the flyer for more information  

Visit the CPSL website:  https://www.cpsltd.org.au/safe-church/training-and-events/cpsl-training-and-events/ 


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