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Act for Peace

Ration Challenge 2020

Sunday 13 – Saturday 19 September 2020

This week thousands of people across Australia have been taking the Ration Challenge – eating the same rations as a Syrian refugee for 7 days to raise money which will provide emergency food, hygiene kits and life-saving support to the people who need it most. Together they have raised nearly $2,000,000 to support refugees and other conflict and disaster affected communities around the world hit hardest by the coronavirus. 

Even though the challenge finishes this weekend, it’s not too late to get involved! 

You can make a donation to the Ration Challenge -at https://actforpeace.rationchallenge.org.au/donate 

Or there is still time to sign up and take part at https://actforpeace.rationchallenge.org.au     

Shamsiya (pictured below left), a refugee from Afghanistan, is one of the thousands taking part. She shares why it is important to her to take the challenge.

"We are very fortunate that we're safe in the comfort of our homes, and we have the power to restore the hopes of those who are hopeless. And that's why I'm taking the Ration Challenge. On behalf of all those people that we're helping out, I just want to say thank you to everyone that's participating [in the Ration Challenge]. Never think that your donation is minimum. Every dollar matters. And hopefully, hopefully, we can build a better tomorrow for a chance for all to live, not just survive.”

There is still time to sign up for the Ration Challenge. You’ll raise money that will help save lives now – providing emergency food, hygiene kits and support to people hit hardest by this crisis. And by sharing your experience widely with the people around you, you’ll be helping to increase their empathy and compassion too, helping move the needle - even if just a little – for the whole of society.

Sign up now for the Ration Challenge. Let’s show we really are #inthistogether


Eat rations. Raise money. Save lives.

Visit the Act for Peace RATION CHALLENGE 2020 website for more information on the Ration Challenge and to sign up. 

Eat the same rations as a Syrian refugee during Refugee Week – just a small amount of rice, flour, lentils, chick peas, beans, fish and oil – and get sponsored to do it. The money you raise will provide food, medicine and education for refugees; and support other communities around the world threatened by conflict and disaster.

You’ll be making a real difference and showing refugees we are #inthistogether 



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