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Diversity Conference

3rd National Social Cohesion and Inclusion Conference - Online

The Australian Baha'i Community warmly invites you and representatives of your organisation to attend the third annual National Social Cohesion and Inclusion Conference. These conferences aim to explore the approaches, methods and experiences that can guide our country to foster greater social cohesion and inclusion into the future. 

See highlights from previous conferences 

This past year the global health crisis has affected us all and caused many to reflect on our way of life. We have grown increasingly conscious of how interconnected we are. How does this heightened sense of interconnectedness find expression in our efforts to be a more inclusive and socially cohesive society? How do we move from an acceptance of diversity towards harmonisation? How do we invite the participation of growing numbers in a collective conversation? 

Conference details:

Date: 12 October 2021

Time: 10 am - 1 pm AEST 

Register:  to attend please register online here  

Conference sessions:

Session 1: Inclusion & Diversity (Opening & Keynote Address, and Q&A)

Session 2: Consultation (Panel Discussion and Q&A)

Session 3: Sharing Insights and Experiences (Workshop & Plenary)

Keynote speakers to be announced. For further updates, visit the conference webpage.

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