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Christian Conference of Asia

Applications invited for the CCA’s Asian Ecumenical Institute (AEI)–2021

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) invites applications for the Asian Ecumenical Institute (AEI), the annual ecumenical formation training programme, which will be held from 18 October to 19 November 2021.

The programme will be conducted virtually (online) this year, given the ongoing restrictions on international travel.

The month-long intensive training brings together young people from various Asian countries to gain in-depth insights into ecumenism and the ecumenical movement, as well as into the emerging challenges and the wider impacts of COVID-19 in today’s world.

The theme of the AEI-2021 will be within the framework of the concepts and principles of wider ecumenism, with a specific focus on ‘God’s Assurance of Healing and Restoration’.

The programme will be a unique opportunity for the students to learn about emerging trends in ecumenism under the guidance of internationally renowned teaching faculty.

The students of AEI–2021 will also participate in other CCA programmes which will be held in parallel, focusing on leadership and governance, and mission and evangelism.

Admissions to AEI–2021 will be offered to 30 students between the ages of 25 to 35 with basic theological backgrounds. Prospective students will be selected on the basis of competence, gender, and confessional balances, national and sub-regional representation, and the ability to effectively communicate in English.

The deadline for receiving applications for AEI–2021 is 15 September 2021.

For additional details and the application form, please go through the information in the documents below:

For additional details and the application form, please go through the information in the documents below:

  1. Background Information Note
  2. Invitation Letter to Member Churches and Councils
  3. Application Form (online Google form available here: https://bit.ly/AEI2021-application)

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