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Act for Peace


It's Father’s Day this Sunday - 5 September

Father’s Day means many things for each and every one of us – it’s often associated with feelings of love and connection, and sometimes with grief and loss. 

This year, Father’s Day will be unique as many of us will be unable to meet and celebrate in person. 

Whether you live with your family, connect online or honour your loved one’s memory – this Father’s Day you can choose to buy a Gift for Peace and bring a little hope to another father or family struggling through conflict and disaster.

Yes, I'd like to give a meaningful gift 

Elias* is a father of five. He fled to Jordan with his family after the war broke out near their home in Syria. He longs for his children to receive an education but without being able to work, even putting food on the table is a challenge.

Thanks to passionate people like you, Elias and his family received vital food rations. He shared:

“I opened it and felt that it would help a lot. We are very grateful. Thank you for supporting and helping to feed us, and for trying to help the Syrians.” 

For just $71, you can purchase a meaningful gift such as Food for a Family. This means that a father, just like Elias, doesn’t have to worry about what his family will eat for two weeks. 

You can choose your own gift from the safety of your home and send a card via email – taking in consideration current restrictions. Click on the link below to find out more about all the different gifts that could change someone’s life for the better – whether it is a farmer’s starter kit for a farmer in Zimbabwe or clean water for Sri Lankan refugees in India. 

Yes, I'd like to choose my own Father's Day gift

Whatever gift you choose this Father’s Day, remember it doesn't only help a father or a family. It also supports a local community and helps change the world. 

*Elias’ name has been changed to protect his identity as a refugee. 


India's COVID-19 emergency appeal 

As we continue to deal with the impact of the pandemic here in Australia, it is passionate people like you who have come together to support marginalised communities over the past year. 

At a time when the pandemic is destroying lives and livelihoods around the world, Act for Peace’s partner, the Organisation for Eelam Refugees’ Rehabilitation (OfERR), are doing all they can to protect Sri Lankan refugee families in India. With a health system on the brink of collapse, refugees in camps across Tamil Nadu live in cramped conditions, putting vulnerable families at heightened risk of infection. 

Together, we raised over $100,000 so that refugees' families have the vital support and resources needed to survive in India. You can read below how your incredible gifts are helping. 

READ: Act for Peace update here 

Thank you for everything you do and I hope you feel encouraged reading about the work that you make possible for refugees families in India.  

Act for Peace gratefully acknowledges the support of the Australian government.



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