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Global multi faith day of climate action

Join faith communities all around the world on October 17 and 18 taking bold action on the climate crisis. The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) is calling on churches across Australia to put up a banner or ring bells to sound the climate alarm as part of a global faith-based day of action two weeks out from the crucial COP26 UN Climate Summit in Glasgow. 

Humanity may never get a better chance than this UN Summit to ensure that urgent and bold action is taken. ARRCC is calling on faith communities to be a moral voice calling on our Government to show courage and leadership. The UN recently ranked all 193 countries in terms of their action on the climate and Australia came in 193rd - dead last. ARRCC’s aim is to mobilise faith communities to say that we need to do a lot better than this. 

The coming Day of Action will be called Faiths 4 Climate Justice and will in fact be spread over two days - a Sunday and a Monday. The two days will be slightly different. 

Sunday actions - at your place of worship on 17th October 

Sunday actions are envisaged to take place at or outside your place of worship. Please sound the climate alarm in a way that suits you: ringing your bells, singing, praying, meditating, calling the Azan, sounding the shofar - whatever is true to your tradition. 

ARRCC is also asking places of worship to put up a banner calling for climate action, if you can. This will make a big impact and should be possible regardless of COVID restrictions. You can find out about what messages to include on your banner and order a banner with the message of your choice here: https://www.arrcc.org.au/banners 

Whatever you choose to do, please register your event. Here is the link to register: https://greenfaith.controlshift.app/home  

You can read more about the Day of Action here. There is also a handy online slideshow you can check out, or you can email ARRCC’s Community Organiser Tejopala Rawls on tejopala@arrcc.org.au    




Find out more about ARRCC visit their website




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