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Modern Slavery

The Children in the Pictures

You’re invited to an advanced screening of this powerful documentary film to raise awareness about the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC).

International Justice Mission Australia (IJM) is proud to be a charity partner for this important awareness-raising film. This special advanced screening of The Children in the Pictures includes a 25-minute Q&A with IJM staff and volunteers.  

OSEC is a transnational crime and many of IJM's cases in the Philippines have involved collaboration with Australian law enforcement to identify, arrest and prosecute Australian online sex offenders who victimise Filipino children. 

This month we will be partnering with cinemas for advanced screenings so reserve a seat today! Click below to book your ticket to watch this powerful documentary! 

Can't attend the screening

Visit End slavery in our lifetime - International Justice Mission Australia (ijm.org.au)

The Children in the Pictures takes us inside Task Force Argos, a specialised police investigative team infiltrating global criminal networks, catching the predators and rescuing their victims. Join IJM and learn more about our work and the survivor side of OSEC investigations. By attending or inviting others to this special screening event you are choosing to join the fight to end slavery and violence. 

  • EDUCATE yourself by purchasing tickets and attending the screening
  • EMPOWER others by sharing the invitation and asking others to join you
  • SUPPORT the filmmakers and law enforcement who created the film to continue to promote their work and raise awareness to prevent the dangers of OSEC

IJM Australia  IJM.org.au


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