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Abraham Conference 2021

Women Leaders in the Abrahamic Traditions

Role Models for Our Time

Jewish, Christian and Muslim speakers draw from their religious traditions women role models for our time.

The Abraham Conference plays an important role in bringing Jews, Christians and Muslims together to discuss contemporary issues of concern for the members of the three religions and for the wider society.      

MC: Jane Jeffres, Produce/Director Firefly Productions, Former Executive Producer, ABC Radio, Religion and Ethics


  • The Jewish speaker, Jacquie Seemann Charak, is a co-founder and committee member of Or Chadash, a Modern Orthodox Synagogue, and the Sydney’s Women’s Tefila Group.    
  • The Christian speaker, Sr Michele Connolly rsj, is a lecturer in Biblical Studies at the Catholic Institute of Sydney.    
  • The Muslim speaker, Yamamah Agha, is General Manager of the Humanitarian Settlement Program at Settlement Services International.  

Date: Sunday 10 October 2021

Time:  2:30 - 4:00 pm (AEDT)

Online: Event is free on Zoom  - details will be available in confirmation email.

Registration: Tickets available on Humanitix 

Conference attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with the speakers during the online conference. 

Conference partners:  

Affinity Intercultural Foundation, Australian Egyptian Forum Council, Australasian Muslim Times (AMUST), Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations, Diocese of Parramatta, Ecumenical Council of NSW, Indian Crescent Society of Australia (ICSOA), NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, and the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of NSW & ACT – look forward to your participation in a stimulating and thought-provoking afternoon of interfaith dialogue and friendship at this year's #AbrahamConference. 


Please share this event with your family, friends and colleagues and invite them to be part of this important interfaith conversation. 

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