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Our Churches

There also you and your households shall eat before the Lord your God, and rejoice in all your undertakings in which the Lord your God has blessed you. Deuteronomy 12:7

Our member Churches celebrating this season: 

Armenian Apostolic Church

Armenian church in eastern Turkey holds first Mass in 106 years

The cupola of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the Holy Trinity in the eastern Turkish city of Malatya had been in ruins for decades. But it has now risen again. And under clear stone vaults that probably still smell like new, some 150 worshipers gathered on August 29 for the first Mass since the recent restoration of this building dating from the 18th Century. In fact, it was the first religious ceremony here in 106 years. The ancient Melitene (the Latin name of Malatya) is best known today for its apricots. But during the 1915 genocide it was an important crossroads in the deportation of Armenians from Anatolia.

… But the Armenians were not alone in the Holy Trinity Church at the August 29th liturgy. Syriacs were also invited. The Mass was meant to be a strong symbol for the Christian communities of Anatolia, decimated by decades of war and persecution.

"It is a very important message in terms of peace, unity and fraternity for this country," said the Armenian patriarch of Constantinople, Bishop Sahak Mashalian, who came from Istanbul to preside over the ceremony.

Above excerpt from the article by La Croix

Read more at LaCroix: Armenian church in eastern Turkey holds first Mass in 106 years


Coptic Orthodox  Church

Coptic New Year 11 September

Enkutatash, a Public Holiday

Enkutatash is a public holiday in coincidence of New Year in Ethiopia and Eritrea. It occurs on Meskerem 1 on the Ethiopian calendar, which is 11 September according to the Gregorian calendar.

Celebrations start on the eve of Enkutatash, on which many families attend a church service and offer prayers ushering in the new year. Singing and dancing are also common ways to celebrate, especially among young girls.w Year 11 Sept and Holy Cross 14 Sept 

The day is called Enkutatash meaning the “gift of jewels” and is traditionally associated with the return of the Queen of Sheba to Ethiopia following her visit to King Solomon in Jerusalem in ca. 980 BC.


Romanian Orthodox Church in Victoria

The Roman Orthodox Church is expanding

Diocese of Australia & New Zealand builds first Romanian Orthodox Monastery in southern hemisphere

The Romanian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand is carrying out a complex project in the Australian state of Victoria, which includes the first Romanian Orthodox monastery in the southern hemisphere, a social and cultural centre, an episcopal chapel and a church dedicated to the Three Holy Romanian Hierarchs Andrew Șaguna, Gregory the Teacher, and Theodosius of Brazi.

These are “particularly important projects for pastoral-missionary work in Australia and New Zealand. The Theotokos helped us find this property,” Bishop Mihail said about the piece of land in Melton, Victoria

Above excerpt from the article by Orthodox Times

Read more at Orthodox Times: Diocese of Australia & New Zealand builds first Romanian Orthodox Monastery in southern hemisphere  


Greek Orthodox Church

Feast Day – Exaltation of the Holy Cross - 14 September

The Elevation of the Holy Cross is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church, celebrated on September 14. This feast is also referred to as the Exaltation of the Cross. This is also a popular name day for Stavroula/Stavros (from "stavros" meaning cross).

This feast commemorates two events:

  1. The finding of the Cross by the Empress Helen (the mother of St. Constantine the Great) on Golgotha in 326 AD, the place where Christ was crucified.  When the true Cross was identified, it was lifted on high for all the people to see, who then continually sang Kyrie eleison, a practice which is still enacted at current celebrations of this feast.

  2. The recovery of the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified from the Persians. The Elevation took place on March 21, 630 AD, when Emperor Heraclius entered Jerusalem amidst great rejoicing, and together with Patriarch Zacharios (609-632), transferred the Cross of Christ with great solemnity into the temple of the Resurrection, joyously held up for veneration by the Christian faithful.








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