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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Australian Leaders from Afghanistan have an urgent message for the Church 

It has been one month since the Taliban forcibly took control of Afghanistan. 

Since then, the Australian Church has come together to speak with a clear voice: Australia must act swiftly to protect people from Afghanistan, reunite families, and welcome a special intake of 20,000 men, women and children to Australia.  

Christians United for Afghanistan have released this video with a special message from Australian leaders from Afghanistan. They have an urgent message for the Australian Church. 

Thanks for your support for this campaign, to date: 

  • Over 12000 individuals have signed the call 
  • Every major church denomination in Australia has jumped on board 
  • Over 250 individual churches and Christian organisation have signed the call 

But the Australian government has made no further commitments, since the initial announcement of 3000 places for refugees from Afghanistan from within our current humanitarian program. 

Together we know we can do more!

Will you help ensure the strong and resilient people of Afghanistan are not forgotten? 

Join in this urgent action, please share the Video on Facebook https://fb.watch/83PnUVeyug/ 

Together, we can stand in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan. 


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