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First Nations


Exploring the Statement from the Heart and care for the environment: The South Australian Dialogue of The Roman Catholic Church and Uniting Church

A Response to Exploring the Statement from the Heart and Care for the Environment.

When Christians experience situations of crisis and suffering, we yearn to question our understanding of God; we seek a new language that expresses the hope that lies within us. ‘Crying Out’ explores issues related to Climate Change and Stewardship of Resources. It considers the struggle and hurts of people in Australia and around the world. ‘Crying Out’ draws on the heritage offered by the traditions of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches, this study booklet leads the reader to reflect on how their faith might be expressed in the contemporary world. The themes related to care of creation and of the global family make this a suitable resource to be used in conjunction with the Season of Creation.

Below you will find a downloadable copy of a letter from the SA Dialogue of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches concerning “Crying Out” focused on two sources of crying out: the Creation at this time of Climate crisis and our Indigenous Peoples through the Uluru Statement from the Heart”. The discussion describes the way the two denominations have respond to these two cries in recent times, and enables participants to compare and contrast them. This as a useful resource for “Seasons of the Spirit” and for Advent. They were designed for encouraging ecumenical discussions but can be used by any congregation group.  

Download the  pdf CryingOut FINAL 06AUG2021 (8.11 MB)

Download the  pdf Covering Letter_Crying_Out (182 KB)  from the Co-Chairs of the The South Australian Dialogue of The Roman Catholic Church and Uniting Church



The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Development Fund 

Applications are being received for 2021-2022. 

The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Development Fund (ATSIDF), of the National Council of Churches in Australia, is a fund set up to assist Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples by giving small, usually one-off grants for community development projects. The projects are funded through the NCCA annual Martung Upah Appeal.

How to Apply

ATSIDF applications must be made on the appropriate form. Please read the guidelines before making your submission. Please note that grants over $5,000, or for recurrent funding, will not be considered. If you have any questions, please contact the NCCA on (02) 8259 0800 prior to submitting your application.

For more information on the the Program guidelines and to access the application form please visit the NCCA First Nations' website page  

Closing date for current round applications: Friday 15 October 2021 

Martung Upah Appeal

Martung Upah is NCCA's major fundraising appeal. Income received from this appeal allows us to fund the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Development Fund.

Your gift makes an enormous difference to help us support our First Nations people. Without it, we would not be able to provide educational resources to the wider community; engage the Churches in Indigenous issues or fund important community development projects.

The Martung Upah appeal is one way that you can support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples directly.  Our aim is to build a better tomorrow for all First Nations children so that injustice and discrimination will not be part of Australia’s future.

We look forward to our continued partnership and thank you for your support.

Martung Upah is from Western Australia and means ‘partnership'.

Donate to the Martung Upah Appeal: To make a secure on line donation click on this link or logo below.







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