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Act for Peace


Are you committed to human rights and want to make a difference?

Join us as a non-violent accompanier as part of the EAPPI program. 

  A painting on a wall in Bethlehem. Photo:Ben Littlejohn/Act for Peace  

"When I wear this vest showing the EAPPI logo, it sends a message that churches don't forget that people are suffering here." A former EA based in Bethlehem

When Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, he taught: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God" (Matthew 5: 9). 

This teaching has the potential to transform the world, most especially for those who suffer violence and injustice right now.  

Yet persecution and human rights abuses happen around the world, and the Holy Land is sadly no exception. 

Every day, people are suffering. Lives are being destroyed as the ongoing conflict continues to rage. Fifty-five years after the Six Day War, more than 3 million Palestinian people still live under Israeli control in the West Bank. Many live in constant fear – their lives are controlled by checkpoints, walls, patrols, and military posts. It is a horrific situation. But there is something you can do to help. By taking part in the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), and spending three months as a protective presence for families living under occupation, you can help to reduce human rights violations in Palestinian communities. 

Yes, travelling to the Holy Land for three months is a big ask, and it won’t be for everyone.

About the Program

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Program for Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) was set up by the World Council of Churches in 2002 to help reduce violence and persecution in the region. This humanitarian mission deploys unpaid, trained, unarmed civilians called Ecumenical Accompaniers (or EAs) to act as international observers.  

Those involved in this life-changing program travel to Israel and Palestine and spend three months living and working alongside families living under military occupation, providing a protective presence for families currently at risk of experiencing harassment and other violations. On their return home, they use their firsthand experience to advocate for international pressure on decision-makers to comply with humanitarian law and find long-term solutions to the conflict. 

The program is based on an internationally recognised model called Accompaniment. And it’s proven to work.   

Since its inception in 2002, more than 1,800 international volunteers from over 21 countries have served as Ecumenical Accompaniers.

Are you interested in joining them?

By taking part in this program, you would join an international movement of Israeli, Palestinian and international people and organisations. Together you will stand in solidarity with oppressed families and work to build the foundations for a just peace in the Holy Land. 

Applications for the program are now open, but places are limited.

Find out more 

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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