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Message of the WCC 11th Assembly 2022

“A Call to Act Together”

An extremely diverse group of people gathered in Karlsruhe, Germany for the 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC).  United by faith, they came from all regions of the world, from 352 member churches and ecumenical partners of the WCC. This is their message. 

Message of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany 

Every assembly of the World Council of Churches has written an assembly message, which has been released to its member churches and ecumenical friends to convey the experience of the assembly and the transformational nature of its work.

The message, A Call to Act Together - “The Love of Christ urges us on.” (2 Cor. 5:14) comprises 13 reflection points divided into three sections titled; "Come, follow me!", 'Our journey together' and “Go into the whole world”.

For in Christ, all things will be made new. His love which is open to all, including the last, the least, and the lost, and is offered to all, can move and empower us in a pilgrimage of justice, reconciliation, and unity. [13]


"We offer this message to be read in every congregation of our member churches, and published in all church media.

We hope this message may be widely translated and used.

It would be good to see it discussed and dissected, pondered over, and prayed over, because it represents the deliberations and prayers of over 4000 people who participated in the assembly, as we seek the unity Christ offers.

We entrust this message now to you, asking you to hand it on to all Christians and people of goodwill, that together we might unite in discovering how Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity." The Message Committee    



Read: “A Call to Act Together”: Message of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany | World Council of Churches 08 September 2022

Download: Report of the Message Committee  | World Council of Churches 08 September 2022



NCCA Gallery  

Attending the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, NCCA General Secretary Liz Stone took time out to snap a few familiar faces.   

  Above: NCCA General Secretary Liz Stone caught up with fellow Australians, Uniting Church in Australia delegates, Colleen Geyer (UCA General Secretary) and Rev Sharon Hollis (UCA President)    

Above: Liz Stone, NCCA General Secretary, pictured with Australian and New Zealand Bishops of the Assyrian Church of the East.


Above: Liz Stone, NCCA General Secretary, with Rev Tara Curlewis (Uniting Church).

Photo credit: Rev Tara Curlewis. 

  Above: Bishop Coorilos, (Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church) sends warm greetings to NCCA friends from WCC Assembly.  We were blessed to have Bishop Coorilos as our Guest Speaker at the 2019 NCCA Forum.
  Above: With Dr Theodora Issa of Curtin University WA. Dr Issa is a delegate of Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All East, and serving on the Central Committee since the last Assembly at Busan in 2012.  

Above: Australian Anglican delegation - L to R: Archbishop Geoff Smith of Adelaide, Primate with Archbishop Philip Aspinall of Brisbane and Ruth Brigden, NT resident.

  Above: Liz Stone (NCCA) with Fr Joshua Tadros of Sydney, a Delegate of the Coptic Orthodox Church, pictured together, participating at Ecumenical Conversation transformative mission.   

Above: Together with Rev David Campbell (St Andrew’s Forrest), Chair of ACT Churches Council, at the Thematic Plenary

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