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Tuesday, 18 January 2022 09:45

Tonga Emergency

Please keep the people of Tonga in your prayers

On Saturday evening a large underwater volcano erupted off the coast of Tonga causing a tsunami. Since then, volcanic ash has been falling over the islands. The eruption was one of the biggest to hit Tonga in the last 30 years and the sound of the explosion could be heard as far as Fiji, over 800km away.

Act for Peace works closely with the Tonga National Council of Churches (TNCC), their local partner on the ground, to help communities prepare and respond to disasters just like this one – and we hope that this training has saved lives.

TNCC are experienced in emergencies, having led on the response to Tropical Cyclone Harold in 2020 by providing access to water, sanitation and hygiene supplies to most affected communities.

While every year, the communities we work with are prepared to face the threat of emergencies, it’s a horrible feeling knowing that their homes and crops might not be saved.

Please pray for the people of Tonga 

  • For all those who may be desperately searching for their loved ones amongst the destruction and aftermath of the Tsunami.
  • For those who may be grieving the loss of their loved ones, may they be comforted by their community together in prayer and by God’s loving presence.
  • For the families who have had their homes destroyed, may they find the strength and resilience to overcome the challenge of rebuilding their lives.
  • For the farmers whose crops and livelihoods have been destroyed, may they find the support to rebuild their futures for their families and communities.
  • For our ecumenical partners, including the Tonga National Council of Churches, and all those relief organisations responding to and providing aid to the people and communities of Tonga affected by this disaster.
  • For the churches and their religious leaders, may they be pillars of strength for their communities and help nurture people to work together for the benefit of their families, friends and communities.

Help Act for Peace respond

It is critical to respond as quickly as possible.

We cannot help but be shocked seeing the images of the volcano erupting. Since the explosion, communications have been down, making it difficult to measure the true scale of the disaster but Act for Peace have made the decision to act now so they can respond as quickly as possible.

The tsunami will most likely have caused immense damage to homes — and we don’t yet know if — or how many people have been injured or have lost their lives. With the impact of the falling ash, it will likely mean that thousands of people won’t have access to clean drinking water,  and that crops which families rely on, will be destroyed. 

Once communications are back up in Tonga, Act for Peace will work closely with the team at TNCC to help respond to people’s immediate needs. This may include supplying drinking water and non-food items such as tarpaulins and seeds to replant crops.

Please consider making a donation to the Act for Peace Emergency Appeal

Your generosity makes this work possible and will help save lives in the hours and days ahead. 

Please give now






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