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Wednesday, 27 January 2016 18:59

Deirdre Ashe

Deirdre Ashe

Deirdre AsheDeirdre Ashe joined the NCCA in December 2015 as Director of Business and Finance. Since 2008 she has been working in Hong Kong but knew it was time to come home to Sydney. The role at the NCCA appealed to her on a number of fronts – Interfaith dialogue is of great interest, believing ‘God has a place for unity’; NATSIEC was an exciting project, and she thought she would like to contribute to Act for Peace.

Having been brought up in the Anglican Church, Deirdre became a member of The Salvation Army by choice. At 15 she was invited to a House Party, and for the first time ‘received’ that Christ had died for her personally. From there she felt called to worship at the local Chester Hill corps (church) and over the years has committed to various ministries including open airs, pub ministry and youth work.

Deirdre has three children, and after they were grown she ‘went back to school’ at TAFE, and then studied and gained qualifications in finance at undergraduate and then Masters level as well as completing professional credentials. 

For twenty years Deidre worked for The Salvation Army, having also worked in finance across banking, manufacturing, import-export and the Air Force.

Deirdre nominated her mother as her greatest inspiration, a woman before her time who was Company Secretary when Deirdre was very young. “She set good examples, and is a woman of faith. While not a church-goer, she gave her children grounding in the Christian church, and taught us to treat people with respect and genuine love. At 91 she lives independently and is active in visiting the old people’s home!”

Welcome Deirdre.


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