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Tuesday, 31 January 2017 16:39

2017 Day of Prayer and Fasting for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

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In October 2016 the leaders of Churches met for conversation and to support each other.  At this meeting they decided that the first Sunday of Lent, 5 March 2017, will be a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

The NCCA has put together resources to assist with reflection, prayer, reading and study.  These documents represent a collection of some of the wonderful resources that have been gathered from our Churches.

Day of Prayer and Fasting for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Resources
Day of Prayer and Fasting for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Individual and Group Reflection
Day of Prayer and Fasting for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Parish and Congregation Worship
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