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Wednesday, 20 October 2021 11:15

Church leaders unite for climate action

Church leaders unite across the region to call for climate action 

MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday 20 October 2021

Churches from across Australia and the Pacific region have joined together to call on the Australian Government to step up its part in global action addressing climate change. 

The President of the National Council of Churches, Bishop Philip Huggins, has co-signed an open letter to the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, expressing the shared concern that we must act on climate change before it is too late, and that Australia can be a leader and champion of more ambitious and innovative action. 

“As people of faith, we acknowledge that the Earth is our common home, a precious gift created by God, that all life is interdependent, and that we have a responsibility to care for all people and all creation.”

In the lead up to the COP26 meeting, the letter urges the Australian Government to scale up Australia’s 2030 emissions reduction target to at least 50% and ambitiously aim for higher to help limit global temperature rise to less than 1.5 C.

It also calls for “a just and sustainable transition for communities currently dependent on carbon intensive industries” and policies that support people, nations and ecosystems that are most vulnerable to climate change.

“It will take all levels of government, churches, businesses and the wider community to work together to achieve a sustainable future. Our combined letter to the Prime Minister signals that churches are ready to play our part, and that we wholeheartedly support more ambitious commitments to safeguard the most vulnerable in our region and beyond.”

“It is critical that we act now. For the love of God, for the love of creation, and for the love of neighbour, we must take steps that will limit the impacts of climate change, so that all who make their home on earth can flourish.” said Reverend Sharon Hollis, President of the Uniting Church in Australia. 

The letter was signed by leaders of the Anglican, Armenian, Baptist, Chinese Methodist, Churches of Christ, Congregational Federation, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Salvation Army, Uniting Church and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, as well as the National Council of Churches and the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC). 

As we approach the date of the COP26 meeting, Bishop Philip Huggins has called upon all people of faith to pray.  

“It is a matter of love”, said Bishop Huggins, “Beyond adversarial, transactional relationships there is a place where all humankind can thrive. The future is in our hands now, for all future generations.” 

Read the  pdf Churches' combined letter to PM re COP26 (65 KB)

Media contact: Liz Stone M:0437 402 884 E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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