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Thursday, 09 December 2021 17:04

2021 Christmas Messages from Leaders of Christian Churches in Australia

One part of the story of the birth of Jesus begins with the phrase “In those days”.  These few words locate the events that unfold in Bethlehem in a remembered specific reality.  The Roman empire under Caesar Augustus was vast and expanding. Bethlehem was a small town in a very small part of that empire.  The contrast of power and vulnerability could not be greater.

In such a world of contrast and power a baby is born.  A child whose birth attracts attention and creates such fear and danger that refuge in Egypt is the safest option.  

A reality for people in this period of time was that peace (Pax Romana) was maintained through fear.  Into this world is born ‘the Prince of Peace’ and on whose shoulders power will rest. 

The peace that is revealed in Jesus transforms people and situations.  The most marginalised are made the centre of the story.  Discrimination based in illness or disability is overcome. Women and children are affirmed, and violence does not have the last word.  Peace is revealed as people focussed with prophetic strength.

I invite you to join together and pray for such a revelation of peace this Christmas.  Can we hope for a growth in gracious compassion, justice for the marginalised and a renewing care of the earth?  We pray for such a healing and renewing peace this Christmas. 

Rev John Gilmore, President
National Council of Churches in Australia


(NB. In the Western Church, Christmas is celebrated on 25 December 2021. 
Most Orthodox Churches will celebrate the Feast of the Nativity on 7 January 2022.)

Download the PDF link below to read the 14 messages from Australian Church Leaders

pdf 2021 Christmas Messages from Australian Church Leaders (243 KB)  - released 10 December 2021


For more information, contact the NCCA Secretariat on 8259 0800

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