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Thursday, 08 July 2010 00:00

Two Critical Voices for Palestine Urge Australian Action in Melbourne

Mr Rifat Kassis and Mr Constantine Dabbagh will meet with government officials, church leaders, civil society groups, media and academics to discuss indications of renewed peace talks and Australia’s involvement for achieving justice-based solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

In a public meeting at Welsh Church, LaTrobe Street Melbourne on Sunday 11 July, the activists will present the case for targeted divestment and economic boycotts of Israeli goods. They will also emphasise the humanitarian imperative for lifting the blockade, drawing from their first hand experiences.

Mr Kassis, a prominent human rights activist and Director of Defence for Children International said, ‘This is the beginning of the momentum where worldwide and here in Australia, people, individuals, communities, churches and governments should say enough is enough and let us turn to a real peace process”.

Mr Constantine Dabbagh, Executive Secretary of the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees in Gaza said, “we must reduce our dependency on handouts and aid…We are not living in a zoo just to be fed. We are human beings. We want to live with dignity.”

Both experts have consistently advocated non-violence and dialogue amidst living conditions that have become a humanitarian crisis.

The visit, which will take in Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide, is being organised by Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia, and the Major Issues and Theology Foundation.

Mr Rifat Kassis and Mr Constantine Dabbagh will be available for interviews in Melbourne. For Interviews: Edwyn Shiell 0405 303 515

WHAT: Peace and Justice: Voices from Palestine Today

WHEN: 05:30-07:30pm, Sunday 11 July 2010

WHERE: Melbourne Welsh Church Hall, 320 Latrobe Street, Melbourne

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