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Friday, 14 October 2011 16:52

Historic Day for the Coptic Christians in Australia

a.      Issue a public statement condemning the ongoing attacks against the Coptic Christian minority in Egypt;
b.      Make immediate representations to the United Nations to end the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt; and
c.      Strongly urge the Egyptian Government to provide equal rights and protection for all Egyptian citizens regardless of race or religion.

Has today the 13th October 2011 at 10:00am; soothed the hearts of thousands of Copts around Australia. This is after the horrific atrocity which was orchestrated by the Egyptian Armed Forces, where more than 24 Christians were shot dead and one third of which crushed by Army Tanks, and over 300 encountering horrific injuries, while in a peaceful demonstration on Sunday the 9th October 2011, in Maspiro Square, Cairo.

The Coptic Orthodox Community is grateful to the support and the initiative made by the Hon. Craig Kelly, the Liberal Federal Member of Hughes in moving the motion and putting to the Australian Parliament the pains and fears of the Australian Coptic Community.

Mr Kelly’s motion was supported unanimously by all members of the House; he was joined in notable and encouraging statements by the Hon. Anthony Albanese (Leader of the House), the Hon. Bob Katter and the Hon. Michael Danby.

The Coptic Church calls on the Australian media, to not ignore these atrocities and to expose the injustice forced upon innocent civilian, men, women and children because of no other reason except their religion and their desire to stand up and have a voice in their own homeland, being the indigenous people of that land.

Fr Shenouda Mansour: 0418 713 733
Fr Gabriel Yassa: 0411 555 195
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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