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Thursday, 29 March 2012 20:04

Elections an important step for conflict-ravaged Burma

Act for Peace has been engaged in community development and humanitarian programs with partners in Burma / Myanmar and with Burmese refugees for over two decades.

Alistair Gee, the agency’s executive director, returned last week from visiting the refugee camps in his role as chair of the Thailand Burma Border Consortium, which provides food and shelter to 138,000 Burmese refugees.

“The last few months have seen significant change in Burma / Myanmar, including the announcement of a number of ceasefire agreements, the freeing of opposition party leader Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest, relaxation of censorship of some domestic media and the release of hundreds of political prisoners,” said Mr Gee.

“These initial changes are very welcome and provide hope of further democratic reform and resolution of ethnic conflicts. That said, since the last parliamentary elections the number of people displaced by the armed conflicts in Burma / Myanmar has actually increased to the highest levels on record. So while there is new hope and a new peace process, the realisation of democracy and peace is far from assured.”

Available for interview: Alistair Gee, Act for Peace.

To arrange an interview, please contact Emma Halgren, Media & Online Coordinator, Act for Peace, on 0458 303 515, (02) 8259 0828 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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