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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 14:29

Martin Place Siege – A Statement for Peace

We, the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) and NSW Ecumenical Council (NSWEC) are deeply saddened by the trauma, suffering and loss of life resulting from the Martin Place siege of December 15-16, 2014, in Sydney.

Our prayers are with the families of those whose loved ones have been killed, injured and/or traumatised.

May this be a time when the Australian community, people of all faiths, unite around our common care for all life.

We trust that the acts of one individual will not lead to discrimination against Australian Muslims.

We are committed to the paths of peace. May the bonds of acceptance, mutual respect and harmony in our community, across all faiths and none, be strengthened as we pull together and realise afresh the value of human life. Australia celebrates the great diversity of ethnic communities and religious freedom. It celebrates democracy and freedom. Each one of us can live out those values in all we do.

We especially express our friendship and solidarity with all Muslims who are part of the Australian community. We know that you, with the rest of the Australian community, abhor acts of violence in the name of religion and that most Australian Muslims strive for peace and harmony with all others.

Let this sad event unite us in the conviction that life is precious and we can do much together, across all faiths, to bring abundant life to all.

At this time we welcome statements condemning violence and we welcome statements of support for the Australian people and governments. We welcome every effort that members of Muslim communities continue to make as integral members of Australian society. We wish to support all people striving to live in peace.

President NCCA
Rev Dr Mike Semmler
Lutheran Church of Australia

General Secretary NCCA
Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgs

President NSWEC
Rev John Barr
Uniting Church in Australia

General Secretary NSWEC
Fr Shenouda Mansour
Coptic Orthodox Church

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