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Friday, 18 December 2015 16:27

2015 Christmas Messages from Leaders of the Christian Churches in Australia

christmas messages2015The National Council of Churches of Australia is pleased to publish Christmas messages from Leaders of the Christian Churches in Australia.

Writing as they do each year, the Church leaders address the significance of the feast of the Nativity which marks the birth of Jesus Christ, reminding people of the historic event which took place in Bethlehem. It is a season for rejoicing.

Many of the Church leaders also make a link with the situation of the day, and this year many have acknowledged the fear and uncertainty of the times in which we are living. Special mention is made of those in the Middle East, including Syria, Iraq, and o ther countries facing persecution as well as those living in detention and awaiting freedom.

Ultimately they call people to move beyond anxiety to find peace, joy and hope in Jesus .

Some messages have mentioned the Christmas carols which are heard in shopping centres and radio stations because they help remind us of the Christmas story and of the source of peace, joy and hope.

Click here to read the 18 messages.

For more information , contact the NCCA Secretariat on 8259 0800.

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