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Media Releases

from the National Council of Churches in Australia

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The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) welcomes the decision by the World Council of Churches (WCC) to send an international ecumenical delegation to visit the Indigenous Peoples of Australia from 12-17 September 2010.

from Act for Peace the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches

Two outspoken and prominent Palestinian Community Leaders arrive in Melbourne this Sunday to call for unequivocal action to end the blockade of Gaza and justice for the Palestinian people.

The visit is set to coincide with the scheduled release of the Israel Defense Force Report, investigating the bloody attacks on the Gaza aid flotilla.

from Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches

Two prominent Palestinian community leaders will arrive in Australia this week to encourage Australian churches and individuals to engage in community action for peace in Palestine and Israel.

Friday, 08 June 2007 00:00

Policy and Procedure

To view the current policy and procedure of the NCCA concerning Public Statements and the Media  click here.
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