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Tuesday, 26 March 2019 12:31

Archbishop Stylianos Harkianakis

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Abp Stylianos 2008.1x150 

  December 29, 1935 - 25 March 2019

Abp Stylianos 2008.1 
 Credit: photo supplied to NCCA 2008

Our condolences are with our brothers and sisters in Christ of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia and New Zealand. Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Australia and Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Archbishop Stylianos Harkianakis passed away on Monday evening 25 March aged 84.

Condolences and tributes have been made in abundance for Archbishop Stylianos, who has touched the lives of many Australians. His many achievements include the founding of many Greek churches, homes for the aged and schools in Australia.

Archbishop Stylianos is remembered by NCCA members and staff as being a dedicated ecumenist and a founding Church Leader for the National Council of Churches in Australia in 1994.

Archbishop Stylianos was born on the island of Crete, Greece on December 29, 1935. He studied theology at the Theological School of Halki, on the island of Halki and was ordained a deacon in 1957 and a priest in 1958.

In 1975, Stylianos  was elected Archbishop of Australia and Exarch of Oceania. He engaged in many ecumenical dialogues between Orthodox and other Christian groups, was co-chairman of the theological dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church and co-chairman of the dialogue with the Anglican churches.

Since 1975 Archbishop Stylianos taught Orthodox theology and spirituality at Sydney University. In 1986 he became the inaugural dean of St. Andrew’s Theological College, serving as Lecturer in Systematic Theology.

We pray deeply that the angelic hosts will draw Archbishop Stylianos to the eternal embrace of our Heavenly Father.

May his memory be eternal. 

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