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Friday, 20 August 2021 15:43

Prayers for Afghanistan



Praying for Afghanistan and our Afghan communities here in Australia 

In the last few days, Taliban forces have taken control of all Afghanistan's major cities. Almost 390,000 people have been displaced, and tens of thousands now need urgent humanitarian assistance.  

NCCA and many other organisations have written to Government seeking commitment. We offer our prayers in solidarity.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. (Matthew 5:43-44)

Prayers from the NCCA President and Ecumenical partners 

Prayer for Afghanistan

O God of mercy and of peace,

We hold before you the peoples of Afghanistan.

Be living bread to those who are hungry each day

Be healing and wholeness to those who have no access to health care amidst the ravages of pandemic

Be their true home to all who have been displaced

Be open arms of loving acceptance to those who fear because of their gender, ethnicity, religious or political views

Be peace to those engaged in armed conflict and those who live within its shadow.

Turn our hearts and minds to your ways of just and gentle peace, 

Open our eyes to see you in all acts of compassionate care

Strengthen our hearts to step out in solidarity with your suffering people and

Hold us all in your unfailing love. 

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who emptied himself of all but love in order to bring life in all its fullness. 



©  Ramani Leathard (Christian Aid, a fellow ACT Alliance Member)

Prayer for Afghanistan 

Today we lament for the nation of Afghanistan.

For the women and girls who are now in fear. 

For the crowds panicked at the airport in Kabul.

For desperate people falling from moving aircraft. 

For the people who will be left behind

as governments scramble to get their own people out first.

For our refugees left stateless.

We lament the death threats to nationals

who worked with the now fallen government and pray for their relief.

God of all people, hear their cries.

We sit in the midst of human frailty

Recognising government failures

is also our failure as a nation. Amen

~ © Anne Right (Director of Education at Uniting Church Western Australia) 



Melbourne Catholic

... We pray from within our tradition, extending solidarity outwards to all Afghani. 

World Council of Churches (WCC)

WCC calls for prayers for people of Afghanistan as fears of violence grow

Media Release of Monday 16 August calls for prayers:

The World Council of Churches (WCC) expressed concern and called for prayers for the people of Afghanistan as fears of violence and oppression grew. 

Comment on developments in Afghanistan, 16 August 2021

The World Council of Churches invites its member churches around the world, and all people of faith, to pray for the people of Afghanistan.  

Morning Prayer for Monday, 3 May 2021 

WCC Service in the week with prayers for Afghanistan on 3 May 2021

Listen:     Ay farzandane nur (Oh children of the light; Afghanistan/Iran)



Eternity News 17 August 2021 


Prayer Request:

Afghan Pastors Ask for Prayer (9Marks)

“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” (Heb 13:3)

Here are specific ways they have asked for you and your church to pray.

1. Physical Protection and Provision

“Be not silent, O God of my praise! For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues. They encircle me with words of hate, and attack me without cause.” (Ps 109:1 – 2)

2. Spiritual Provision 

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Rom 15:13)

“May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might…” (Col 1:11a)

3. Gospel Advance 

“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men.” (2 Thes 3:1-2) 

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jer 32:27) 

Read the full requests here 




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