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Tuesday, 25 January 2022 09:09

Prayer for Australia

Let us pray


O God, powerful and gentle,

you love this southern land and all its people, old and new.


As the Cross shines in our heavens so may Christ bring light to our nation.

As the waves encircle our shores so may your mercy enfold us all.


O God, the wonders of our vast and rugged land reflect your beauty,

ever ancient, ever new.


May your blessings flow upon us as a stream in the desert,

and may your spirit prompt us to use your gifts for the good of all.


May God who formed our southern land be for us a rock of strength.

May God who rules our southern seas keep us safe in every storm.

May God  who made our southern skies turn our darkness into light.


We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN 


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