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Wednesday, 08 February 2023 14:56

Prayers for Türkiye and Syria

We are saddened by the widespread devastation caused by the earthquakes which struck central Türkiye and northern Syria on Monday 6 February, 2023.

Please pray for the Syrian Orthodox and Antiochian Orthodox communities in the affected region.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation,” 

2 Corinthians 1:3 (NRSV)   

Syrian Orthodox 

As we witness the devastation of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria that was felt in Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus, Iraq - we pray for God to be with all... ease the burden on all. God hears our prayers.  

Sharing with you a prayer by our #Syriac great Saint #StEphraimtheSyrian (373+) that reads:  

 ܡܳܪܰܢ ܐܶܬܪܰܚܰܡ ܥܠܰܝܢ.

ܡܳܪܰܢ ܩܰܒܶܠ ܬܶܫܡܶܫܬܰܢ

ܫܰܕܰܪ ܠܰܢ ܡܶܢ ܒܶܝܬ ܓܰܙܳܟ

ܚܢܳܢܳܐ ܘܪܰܚܡܶܐ ܘܫܽܘܒܩܳܢܳܐ 

ܡܳܪܝ ܐܰܦܪܶܝܡ ܣܘܽܪܝܳܝܳܐ (373+) 

God have mercy on us. 

God accept our service. 

God send us from your riches. 

Tenderness, Mercy, and Forgiveness 

St. Ephraim the Syrian (373+)  

يا ربنا ارحمنا.

يا ربنا تقبل خدمتنا. 

ارسل لنا من مخزنك

حناناً ومراحم وغفراناً 

مار افرام السرياني (373+)  

Thank you for your prayers.

We continue to pray 


World Council of Churches Pilgrim Prayer - Ecumenical Prayer Cycle

O God, you are the unsearchable abyss of peace,

the ineffable sea of love, the fountain of blessings

and the bestower of affection

You send peace to those that receive it.


Open to us this day the sea of your love 

and water us with plenteous streams 

from the riches of your grace

and from the most sweet springs of your kindness.

make us children of quietness and heirs of peace,

enkindle in us the fire of your love;

sow in us your fear;

strengthen our weakness by your power;

bind us closely to you and to each other

in our firm and indissoluble bond of unity.  

Syrian Clementine Liturgy, in: For all God's people; p. 73.



the plight of our country is deep

and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening.

Spare our lives,

and grant us patience and courage

to continue our witness to Cristian values with trust and hope.

Peace is the foundation of life;

grant us peace and stability

that will enable us to live with each other...

in dignity and joy.

Glory be o you forever.

His Beatitude Louis Rafael Sako, Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Iraq, from: http://www.pacatholic.org/wp-contenct/uploads/2014/08/Prayer-for-Iraq

Week 2 - Iran, Iraq, Syria 8 - 14 January 2023


Prayer by St. Gregory of Nazianzus

All-Transcendent God

(and what other name could describe you?).

what works can hymn your praises?

No word does you justice.

What mind can probe your secret?

No mind can encompass you.

You are alone beyond the power of speech,

yet all that we speak stems from you.

You are alone beyond the power of thought,

yet all that we can conceive springs from you.

All things proclaim you,

those endowed with reason and those bereft of it.

All the expectation and pain of the world

coalesces in you.

Al things utter a prayer to you,

You sustain everything that exists,

and all things move together to your orders.

You are the goal of all that exists.

Your are one and you are all,

yet you are none of the things that exist,

neither a part nor the whole.

You can avail yourself of any name;

how shall I call you,

the only unnameable?

All-transcendent God!


Week 4 - Cyprus, Greece, Turkey   22 - 28 January 2023

Anglican Aid

Prayer for Syria & Turkey (Turkiye)

Please pray with us for the people of Syria & Turkiye. Sandy Grant, Dean of Sydney wrote this prayer. 


Almighty and gracious God,

We offer our prayers to you the nations of Turkiye and Syria, shaken by violent earthquake and aftershocks.

We are reminded of our vulnerability as human creatures who inhabit this vast earth. As the ancient psalmist wrote, “You are our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.”

Please uphold those under whom the earth has just given way. Calm their fears and enable many to turn to you for help in their distress.

We pray for those in Turkiye and Syria who grieve the devastating loss of life; for the injured or traumatised; for those searching for survivors; for those whose property has been destroyed or livelihoods ruined. We ask for your healing presence in their lives.

We ask you to speed access and to strengthen all those involved in search and rescue, and in care for the injured. We commend to your care those will work in the clean up. May shelter from the elements, with clean water, food and medical care be supplied as quickly as possible.

Be with the governments of these nations, and support efforts sent from other countries around the world, along with aid agencies, churches and other organisations, as they seek to serve. Sustain them through a time of tremendous stress.

We pray for Turkish and Syrian migrants among us in Australia who feel homesick and far away from loved ones at this time.

May generous gestures of practical aid and prayer support offered lift the spirits of those who hurt.

We give thanks to you, our God, for the blessing in our lives, especially for the gifts we so often take for granted till they are in danger of being taken from us – the gift of family, friends, a home, our possessions.

Help us to be generous with what we have for the sake of those in need.

Most of all we praise you for the gift of Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life to all who believe in him. And we look for the day when you will wipe every tear away from our eyes, through Jesus Christ, our rock and our redeemer. Amen.


Uniting Church in Australia Assembly

Assembly National Consultant Rev Dr Apwee Ting has offered this prayer in English and Indonesian

Doa buat Turki dan Suriah (Prayers for Turkey and Syria)

We pray to God

with deep concern

for Turkey and Syria

torn apart by the great earthquake

devastated by the large number of victims

stunned by the enormity of the damage

shocked by the extent of the ruins



with tears and broken hearts

we pray 

for families who have lost loved ones

give strength and wisdom


for search and rescue teams searching for victims amidst the rubble

give foresight to save those who are still under the ruins


for medics, doctors and nurses

give the ability to care for those who are injured


for volunteers who come from various places

give courage to help the victims together


God the source of strength

give a ray of hope

for Turkey and Syria

in the midst of a disaster

that is being experienced


God of Wisdom

give us unity

to feel

the suffering and sorrow

experienced by communities in

Turkey and Syria. 









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