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the people of Samoa, the Philippines and Indonesia

Holy God,

It is with shock and sorrow that we bring our prayers this day.

We pray for the people of the Asia - Pacific region

Who struggle in the face of three natural disasters,

Flooding, a tsunami in the Pacific and earthquakes.


Flooding in the Philippines and Vietnam has left over 450,000 homeless,

with many susceptible to the risk of water and food borne disease,

Comfort and support these, your children as the flooding subsides.

Guide the relief workers to reach those in most need.


The island nations of Samoa and Tonga have been flattened

by the tsunami wave washing away homes, businesses and loved ones,

in the midst of people’s grief may they know your love

strengthen these island peoples to rebuild their communities.


Our Indonesian neighbours are shaking from two devastating earthquakes.

Padang has crumbled and many are buried in the rubble.

O God, surprise us with stories of survival.

Bring stability and peace back into these gentle people’s lives.


Be close to all who offer practical assistance

Comfort all who mourn

Grant wisdom as communities clean up and rebuild

Encourage those who are able to support the needy


Restore hope, and fill us with your peace

Knowing that Jesus the Prince of Peace

Walks with all who hurt this day

In his name we pray. Amen

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