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the people in the Horn of Africa

Gracious and Holy God,
You are our strength and our refuge.
In days of old you provided water and manna,
for those in the wilderness.
Today your people in the Horn of Africa,
are threatened by famine and drought.
In your great mercy provide food, water and shelter,
for these your people.

Sustaining God,
Send refreshing rains to fall once more upon the land,
moistening the hard dry ground.
Provide the much needed life giving water,
for people, livestock and crops,
to enable harvests to be bountiful once more.
Break this drought and end the famine,
So your people hunger and suffer no more.

Soften the hearts O God, of world leaders,
so they may work together to find solutions,
to remove poverty, and disease
to provide education and adequate shelter.
May they cooperate to restore health services,
as well as economic and political stability.
Through prayer and action restore justice and peace,
so all may live in security and the nations prosper.

Compassionate God,
Lead us in your ways to love and support,
these our brothers and sisters.
Strengthen those who bring aid,
embrace those who hunger and thirst,
lighten the load of those in despair,
let faith and hope prevail,
through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Prepared by Reverend Tara Curlewis - July 2011 View the NCCA Act for Peace Media release
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