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Resources for Peace


Bible Study Resources


Further Resources



start_page_03Over this violence thing...Resources for peace

Violence is a destructive force of immense proportion, which influences our lives at all levels – individual, societal and global. Violence refers to crime, exclusion, war, persecution, terrorism, detention without trial, slavery, environmental damage, bullying, discrimination, harassment, victimization… the list goes on.

Violence is often undertaken in the name of criminality, imperialism, nationalism, political expediency, power and control, and is often legitimized by the prevailing norms, values, belief systems, cultures and structures of relationships in our societies.

Violence affects our humanity and our environment. Our discipleship to Christ and our commitment to ecumenism requires that we work together – the whole inhabited earth – to overcome violence through peace and justice.

"... what God wants of you is to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8





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