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Season of Creation resources 2024

1 September through to the feast of St. Francis on 4 October 

For four Sundays in September we celebrate The Season of Creation

All around the world, Christians are uniting to pray and take action for our common home. Join them and celebrate the Season of Creation

Season of Creation 2024 theme:

To hope and act with Creation

The symbol for 2024 is: The firstfruits of hope (Rom 8:19-25)


2024 Season of Creation Prayer

Triune God, Creator of all, We praise you for your goodness, visible in all the diversity that you have created, making us a cosmic family living in a common home. Through the Earth you created, we experience love and nourishment, home and protection.

We confess that we do not relate to the Earth as a Mothering gift from you, our Creator. Our selfishness, greed, neglect, and abuse have caused the climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, human suffering as well as the suffering of all our fellow creatures. We confess that we have failed to listen to the groans of the Earth, the groans of all creatures, and the groans of the Spirit of hope and justice that lives within us.

May your Creator Spirit help us in our weakness, so that we may know the redeeming power of Christ and the hope found in him. May the groans of the Spirit birth in us a willingness to serve you faithfully, so that we may hear and heal Creation, to hope and act together with her, so that the firstfruits of hope may blossom.

Loving and Creator God, we pray that you will make us sensitive to these groans and enable us to have the same compassion as that of Jesus, the redeeming Lord. Grant us a fresh vision of our relationship with Earth, and with one another, as creatures that are made in your image.

In the name of the one who came to proclaim the good news to all Creation, Jesus Christ.




Season of Creation website 

[most recent additions first. New***]

Queensland Churches Together - QCEN ***

Seasons of Creation Devotions - developed by the Queensland Churches Environmental Network

  • By App using the Apple Store and google store - there is no cost for the app, just search for Season of creation.
  • By PDF through the QCT website – Free  go to https://qct.org.au/images/QCEN/SoCDevotionsScreenVersion.pdf 
  • In printed form – a limited number of books have been printed and are available for $10 each plus postage.  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to order your copy.  

Lutheran Church of Australia ***

Season of Creation resources

Uniting Church in Australia Assembly *** 

Season of Creation 2024 calls us 'to hope and act with creation'

Pacific Conference of Churches

pdf Season of Creation 2024_PCC (630 KB)

Common Grace

Join the Climate Challenge - Take action for the protection and flourishing of God’s beautiful creation. 1 September - 4 October 2024

Eco Congregation of Scotland

CREATION 2024 - ecocongregationscotland.org 

World Council of Churches 

Learn more about Season of Creation

WCC's work on Care for Creation and Climate Change    

From the Vatican

Pope Francis:

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation [1st September 2024] (27 June 2024)

Encyclical Letter of the Holy Father Francis: LAUDATO SI’ - On care for our common home| 2015 


1 September was proclaimed a Day of Prayer for Creation by the Orthodox in 1989 and repeated by Pope Francis in 2015.

The season takes us through to the feast of St. Francis on 4 October. Christians of all denominations and locations are invited to participate in an ecumenical Season of Creation.

“Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth” (Laudato Si’, 9).

 Visit the Season of Creation website to see how we can celebrate creation.  

 Learn more on World Council of Churches website:  https://www.oikoumene.org/en/press-centre/events/season-of-creation 


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